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Binary Search

The value of an activity is not just in the doing of the activity, but also the talk that occurs around the activity. This isn't a new concept, we all know it. Let's take Maths for example- there is value in students playing games to reinforce their knowledge and skills. There is a wealth of games out there, and I am not knocking them. They have a valid place in our classrooms, as long as: * The teacher is testing them out first * They target the learning objective * They are planned for * Screen time is limited throughout the day However, real value can be added through the talk around the game.  Example: Guess The Number by  I really like using ABCYA's Guess the Number game as a whole class warm up. We put it up on the big screen and start with numbers to ten.  Discussion begins with playing the 'numbers to 10' version. I introduce the games, we play a couple of rounds. Players need to guess the number within a cert...

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